I do!!! Please and thank you.
You'd think I would be uber-organized for travel having waited through the court closure and all but NOPE, I basically spent my time staring at a picture of our boy Jonas and drooling. So....... not much organizing was happening over here. That and I have still been doing that self preservation thing-y which has to do with kinda detaching a bit from the reality of travel in order to survive the prolonged wait and possibility of dealing with disappointing delays once the courts reopened. Seems that tonight, though, I've decided to throw all that to the wind by planning for things to progress according to our hopes and prayers.
The reality of facing the eventuality of travel brings with it the amassing of luggage items loaned to various family members and the dusting off of the behemoth grand daddy suitcase of them all which is rarely used in this family. (I remind you that I claimed to be a light packer and am no liar as the layer of dust on the big suitcase confirms it!) Unzipped are the luggage lids and propped up against the walls of Jonas' bedroom. They will most likely stay that way for a good month plus. (I told you I like to plan ahead. Waaaaay ahead. Don't laugh!!! If it were up to Dustin he'd throw two items in a suitcase the night before the flight. We need each other. This way we balance out and equal one well-enough adjusted person.) One of the big suitcases will hold donations and is about halfway packed. I hope to pack light enough to carry donations in half of the other large suitcase as well.
The packing part, while daunting isn't what has me freaking out. It's the travel planning part. I am a ducks in a row kinda girl. The less waves the better. I like planning, and schedules. I like having a clue about where I am going and when. Yes, I'll say it I LIKE CONTROL!!
Yea, I'm SO not in control on this one. Basically as things stand we'll have 4 or less weeks to plan our trip. While I've always known this would be the case the reality has only recently dawned on me. Suddenly I find myself thinking I'd like to have more time than that to plan. The fact that we will be going early only increases my stress level because our agency is very adamant that we meet up with the rest of the Travel Group (TG) on a specified day/time TBD. They like their TG's, AWAA does. That's fine. We do too. We can't wait to meet our extended AWAA family. But, planning a mini trip inside of a trip makes me twitch. The planner in me wants to line out all the details for the portion of the trip we will be "going it alone" but I must wait! I can't make a move until we get our Tentative Travel Dates (TTD) and even then what if I book things and then the TTD falls through. Oh wow. I feel a death spiral coming on. Any notion of myself being a vicarious world traveler has forever died a painful death. But, I digress. Anyhoo, there's LOTS to be done and I am just itching to do it. SO MUCH closure to be had...... if only.
Never Lose Hope
8 years ago
I honestly can't say I'd be handling it well at all. I like to know when, where, what, why and how in life. Plus, I've never been past Nebraska! What on earth would I do about flying to another part of the world? Hang in there, it will all come together :o)
I'm with you. I thought the two and a half weeks that we had was short notice. I can't imagine. You can do it though! It sounds like you are the master packer.
With Love,
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