For many months, on my list of things to do was watch Ben Stein's documentary Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed but like happens from time to time I forgot about it and got busy living life. Tonight Dustin and I finally sat down and watched it. I HIGHLY recommend it. He made many intriguing arguments in the film. Fascinating. Really. But, please, don't take my word for it.
So that's one check mark off my to-do list that was a long time coming.
Never Lose Hope
8 years ago
you said just enough to make me run out and get it! I will let you know our thoughts...
We were probably watching at the same time. I thought it was excellent! I had never considered the whole Darwinism/Nazi/Hitler connection before. Definitely an eye opener!
Gary and I just watched it tonight too!! I researched the planned parenthood thing and it was just too creepy. I blogged something interesting about it in one of two post I blogged tonight. that movie inspired me.
It always feels great to cross off those things on the to do list!
I'm not very faithful checking yg these days but saw some people that passed court and wondered if you're close behind? What are your tentative travel dates? You're getting so close!!!!
Hello, I came over from someone else's blog, because she spoke of your adoption process. I have a close friend who adopted a son from Korea and is in the final stages of adopting another from China. Her four year old told her the other day that he knows how you get babies. "Paperwork, paperwork, paperwork!" he said. Out of the mouths of babes, eh? Anyway, I hope and pray things go smoothly for you, and I know you know your boy is in God's hands, as are you. And they are gentle hands! (We saw this movie this past weekend, it was really good!)
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