I mailed out a bunch of paperwork to our Home study Coordinator yesterday. We only have a few pesky papers to be hunted down and we will be finished with the paper chasing on the home study end of things. One of the things we need is a letter stating that our pool meets city code. I called the Litchfield Park City offices and they told me to leave a message for the city inspector. So, I did. He didn't call back until this morning at 8:30. I told him the purpose for which we needed the inspection and he was so friendly. He offered to come by free of charge to inspect the pool. When he arrived he was super friendly and helpful. He told us we needed to fix three small items and that he'd come back again and write us up the letter free of charge.
This might not seem to be such a huge deal but, let me assure you that some things included in the requirements for our adoption have been very difficult to cross off the list. The sheer ease of today's events lightened my heart and encouraged me to keep moving forward. We are heading into the last leg of our paper chase. I couldn't be happier!!
Thank you Lord for such a friendly inspector!! (The likes of which are pratically unheard of, for who has ever met a gracious and obliging city inspector!? You should know that as a contractor my hubby just had to laugh at our blessed fortune in our inspector's graciousness!)
Never Lose Hope
8 years ago
Isn't it nice when a task you dread turns out unexpectedly pleasant! I am so happy that you guys are nearing the end of the paper-chase.
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