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Monday, October 5, 2009

Biometrics Appointment Version 2.0

Dustin and I received our biometrics appointment dates in the mail. We'll be going October 23rd.

The saga continues.

I case you've forgotten the joys of our dealings with USCIS I've come up with a convenient numbering system to help track our various experiences with the fine folks there. May I remind you of appointments 1.0 (which was so devastating I posted about it twice), 1.1, and 1.2.

We would endure any number of visits, though, because we've got a precious boy waiting on us. He is oh SOOO worth it!


Crazy Roots in Africa said...

I am so totally with you on the USCIS frustration! I don't know that anything has gotten me so crazy in a long time! Here's to smooth sailing through 2.0!!
Gina Root AWAA YG