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Monday, October 26, 2009

HIV book resource

Of all the HIV resources I've devoured while researching and preparing for A* to come home this book earns my vote, hands down, for the fastest read with the most informative bang for your buck.

May I recommend*: 100 Questions and Answers about HIV and AIDS

This book is written in a conversational style which makes it a breezy, engaging read while doing a great job of providing the required amount of science. The questions are cross referenced which I found to be very helpful. The book also contains helpful information about the various types of ARVs and their side effects, etc.

I'm planning to give it as a gift to all the grandparents this Christmas.

* I have not been paid in any way to promote this book

Also please note the link to the right for our online Coffee Store at Just Love Coffee Roasters. $5 from every bag you purchase at our store will go directly toward our adoption expenses. Happy brewing :-)


Roscoe and Julia Richardson said...

Awesome! Amen to breezy informative reads :) You sure you aren't paid to promote it?

Rebecca Caldwell said...

Wow- you guys are moving right along- that is so awesome. Not only is your blog sooo encouraging, it is an awesome resource!!

Bethany Taylor said...

Jen, I'd love to see the book list you've devoured (or hope to) in preparation for bringing A home.