UGGGGHHH! I do NOT like waiting! I have gotten only a tiny bit better a waiting in my (almost) 28 years on this planet. Still no news from AWAA and it's eating me up. I know deep in my heart it's because there is an issue with our file...... and either the Lord is using this time to build us up and prepare us for the redirection He has in store for us or He's pulling a SUPER HUGE miracle on our behalf and all the pieces are taking time to fall into place. Which ever it is I trust Him... I'd just rather know sooner than later.... but God is sovereign, I will wait for Him!!
In the meanwhile I am sick, the girls are sick, Dustin managed to stay healthy by working AWAY from us but he's got some big stress going on, and just about everyone we know is coming under some sort of spiritual attack at the moment. Well I guess those of us at PVC can know we're doing something right, because the enemy is very unhappy!
Last night D and I shut the TV off real early and just prayed. Man, we had a list so long! Most of you reading this were probably on it! It almost began to become overwhelming! The amount of need around us. God has opened our eyes to see other's struggles not just our own (Thank God for that!!) and the number of people reaching out for Him is huge. Ah but God spoke something so awesome to me. He is able! Yea, He's more than able!
So many of us have stepped out over the ledge of faith. I don't know if you feel like me right now, but my flesh is wiggin'!!!!! It's super uncomfortable in this place of waiting. God is building trust and reliance upon Him. Thank you Jesus! He's calling us towards deeper intimacy (Oh yea I want it!) and He's starving that flesh! He reminds me that He's the deeper purpose of EVERYTHING! It's all intended to direct us to HIM! He is our reward.
Lord rise up! Rise among Your people! Your children call upon You! We want to see Your glory! Our one true desire is to see You glorified!! Amen
Never Lose Hope
8 years ago
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