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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Last Year At This Time

On this day last year Dustin and I were meeting our son Jonas for the first time. You can watch the video* here.

We travelled with an awesome group of people who will forever come to mind at Christmas. We shared such amazing, life changing events together. I wish somehow I could hug them all today and share once again the joy of our experience.

You can visit some some of their blogs:

Stager Family

Burk Family

Caldwell Family

*Disregard the date at the beginning of the video. We were in Addis for a week before meeting Jonas working with some friends at Hope for the Hopeless. All those busy days bled together. When and I made this clip after we got home I guessed at the date and got it wrong. Thankfully sources more reliable than myself straightened me out.


Rebecca Caldwell said...

I was thinking of you too friend! I will never forget sittin beside you on Christmas Eve holding our little guys- how special. Love you!