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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Home Study Update

I receoved an email from our Social Services Coordinator. She informed me that our home study (HS) has been submitted to corporate for their final review. The catch is everyone is out of the office for the holiday season. They get back the 3rd of Jan. She doesn't arrive until the 5th. If our HS been reviewed by then and is waiting in her inbox on the 5th she will submit it to the court.

I'm not holding my breath that the HS will have been reviewd by the 5th but I do hope and pray that it will be review before the end of that week. It would be very lovely if the court would have the approved HS back to us by February.

Ooooh I get tingles thinking about being able to request a court date soon!


alisa said...

Very exciting!! This is our third time to do a home study during the holidays. You'd think we could time it a little better...but, hurry up and wait (instead).

teena said...
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