The CDC has an outdated protocol for the admission of children who have been adopted abroad and are coming home to the US. Adoptive families are petitioning to remove the TB testing requirement. Please follow this link to learn why the sputum form of testing is a ridiculous requirement for children.
TB testing directly affects waiting children- like our son A*- and their ability to come home in a timely manner. You may have heard some news about adoptive families being stuck in country when a child's test result comes back positive and denied entry to the US until treatment has been given BUT read the article above. The risk of transmission by children is LESS THAN one percent. With children who already have compromised immune systems the minimum 7 week delay exposes them needlessly to the health risks associated with orphanage life and could be potentially deadly. A family with our agency recently had to return home WITHOUT their child because of TB related issues. Aside from the health risks of staying in an orphanage one day than is necessary and the emotional toll institutional care takes on children these delays also cause financial hardships on adoptive families. That's why it's so important to adoptive families that the TB testing requirement be removed.
If you agree that the testing creates needless delays in bringing children home please read and sign the petition at
Please help spread the word.
Never Lose Hope
8 years ago
Just had to drop in for some updates, and to see what new pics you'd posted of that gorgeous family. You are one busy girl!
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