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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Red Letters Campaign- Everbody's Doing It

Now, Here is some peer pressure you can feel good about caving in to! I just joined up to be an Adoption Journal Blogger for Red Letters Campaign. and I got this cool badge to boot.

Look for more to come related to the Red Letters Campaign on my blog. I will also be going back and linking some older posts related to our journey for the Red Letters Campaign Adoption Journal

If you are in the process of adopting a child and you are a blogger too, why not join in? Go check out what it's all about and then sign yourself up.

C'mon... what ya waitin' for? Everybody's doin' it!


Kim said...

you are so funny!!!

Carpenters said... Actually, I did see this as it was released. It's very cool.

With Love,