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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Red Letters Campaign: Looking Back

Like the picture?
I'm celebrating.

It's the year anniversary since we began our first steps down the adoption road. A road paved with lots of WAITING.

I must say that I do take comfort in knowing that while we may be physically waiting we are also actively receiving, for Jesus is right here in our midst during this time. He is our portion. I am reminded of this, too:

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness........

2 Peter 3:9

That verse doesn't necessarily pertain to the referral process but it does remind me that I can trust God's timing. No matter how long THE WAIT is.

So, back to the picture. I feel like I need to blow out a candle or something. After all it's been an important year of our life. So much has happened that it hardly feels anything more could have been packed into the space between the 7th of May last year and today. God has stretched and challenged our whole family over the last year. This journey, I dare say even THE WAIT, has been a gift from him. I am growing. Our whole family is growing. It is a wonderful time in our life. All the more wonderful it will be when our son finally comes home!
Our family is still smack dab in the middle of the holding pattern that is THE WAIT for a referral. It does become difficult at times to imagine that, one day, the end of THE WAIT will come, that a real child is going to materialize in our life someday soon. Right now, I can only dream of the day. And, maybe, blow out a candle and eat a cupcake or something to celebrate how far we've come.

The flip side of the coin is what our son is going through right now. The wait for me may just be slow moving and preparatory but for our son it means so much more. My mind wonders what this wait is like for him. I won't know the circumstances for a while but I can know that it includes loss, fear, change, anxiety and separation just to name a few. I pray that God would set deep within our child the sense that his wait will be over soon. And that, dear friends, brings me full circle to 2 Peter 3:9 and my hope in God's timing for uniting our family.

So, here's to one year of waiting down. May it not last a year longer!

.....but if it does Glory to God. He's in control and I trust him COMPLETELY.

......okay maybe just a little less than completely on the hard days ;) (if I'm being honest)


Kim said...

I am thinking that cup cake looks good.

seriously God is using so big time and this is all part of it.
love ya

happy one year adoption journey beginning.

the Steiger's said...

yes even THE WAIT is a gift from God. And there will be end of this wait. If I got thought it you will too. You will and you already are blessed. I can not wait for your "call" and your trip.
love, Lenka

beBOLDjen said...

Kim, That cupcake does look good doesn't it! hehe I am such a sugar junkie

Lenka, Thanks so much for you encouragement. YOu are so kind.