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Saturday, July 7, 2007


Hi all! Back from beautiful Oceanside, CA and had a great 4th of July!! I have (of course) a few pics for you. Here are the girls at the beach for the first time. Ally enjoyed the beach for a bit but then declared that she was sea sick. I think it's because the waves made her dizzy. She never took her eyes off the water rolling in and out. She did enjoy it once again the following day.

Dustin spent a ton of time in the water and told me that if we lived there he could imagine himself taking up surfing. I believe him. He's a fish! He did a lot of boogie boarding. I tried it....once, and ate it HARD!! It was actually quite humorous! Can I just add that sea water will make you quite nauseous if swallowed in large quantities. It took me all day to recover form my little incident.
I thought I was just going to wade a bit in the water but a HUGE wave snuck on me and well, it was cold!

At Sea World we paid an exorbitant amount of money for face painting (after Auntie Megan convinced the girls they just had to have it done) and though our wallets were much lighter it ended up being quite a nice investment! The girls cried their eyes out when it washed off in the shower later that night.

Well, that's a ton of pics for now. Maybe I'll add some more tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Loved the pictures. The girls look beautiful with their faces painted. Glad your back!! I am glad that you had a great time. The girls look perfect on the beach.

Suz... said...

that's NOT a ton of more!! :) Glad you had a good time!!

Stacey said...

What a great picture of the girls on the beach! I can't believe they have never been there before. I love the look on your face after getting hit by the wave... too cute!

The face painting was so amazing. They look so happy!