I had been asked by Karina if I'd be interested in hosting a summer reading group for PV when I suggested a book that I enjoyed. In light of all that we have going on lately I decided that I should sit this one out. But, I figure there's nothing keeping me from blogging about the book. It's a small little treasure I stumbled upon, who knows how, around September of last year, and let me tell you, it changed my life. It's titled Radically Obedient, Radically Blessed by Lysa TerKeurst.
I decided I would reread this book mainly because I have experienced some radical callings to obedience in my life lately. I wonder how much I've grown and how much I've stayed the same.
I was on page thirteen when I jumped up to write you all. I just had to share.
" God reveals Himself and His activities to all of us, but very few really want an encounter with Him. Encounters cause extreme changes in our plans, our perspectives, and our personhood, and most of us hate change. In reality, though, the very act of trying to protect ourselves from change is the very thing that makes our life the boring mess that it is."
Oh, isn't it true? How many times have I listened to someone's testimony about the amazing work God was doing, maybe I even witnessed it myself, but having been on the outside of the "encounter" my soul wasn't stirred. I wasn't able to share in the moment, or the joy, fully. Oh sure, you know I said all the hallelujahs but what I was really thinking was "what am I missing?"
I think the missing link would be that personal encounter. One that probably required some action on my part. You know..... some (oh no here comes that word) obedience. Some risk. Some trust. A little of that stick your-butt-out-on-the-line cause you believe, I mean really believe, Jesus has your back kind of trust.
There's one last point I want to chew on for tonight. One that Lysa makes on page 11 before she defines for us the difference of the encounter with God and the mere observation of Him.
"They (the radically obedient) expect to see God, to hear from Him, and to be absolutely filled by His peace and joy- and, therefore, they do and they are."
Hmmmmm. God loves when we expect Him to be Who He says He is. I confess I have been expecting some small things out of my uncontainable God lately and I've gotten just what I've asked for.Not tomorrow.
Tomorrow, I declare, I expect to see my God. I can't wait to hear from Him. I will rest my weary body tonight in His peace and joy. When I rise tomorrow I will have a new song of praise!
Psalm 5:3
Romans 15:13
Ex. 15:11 "Who among the gods is like you, O LORD ? Who is like you— majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?
Never Lose Hope
8 years ago
Jen, you just have such an amazing way of waking me up and seeing new things. I honestly think you could travel the country and be a Christian Women's Motivational speaker! You are so amazing and I'm glad God made us friends!!
Stacey I'm honored you think so highly of me. Honestly, I'm just chewing on something someone else has already written. Not such an accomplishment really, and it's all from God anyway, but thank you for your vote of confidence! Love ya!!
thanx for the devotional today. really hit home some points that I can certainly work on! Obedience training 101 for me!! Again...still...
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