I always love it when God presents me with specific opportunities to help a child in need. Vanya is one such opportunity.
Circumstances have been presented to us which enable us to assist little Vanya in finding a forever family that will cherish him. Had God not brought our very special friends to Ukraine and allowed my friend Alisha to volunteer with Vanya we never would have known of his existence. Now that we have been made aware of his needs we simply cannot turn away. We MUST do something!
But, we need your help, because we can't do it alone.
To that end a blog button has been created for Vanya. It links up to his blog. There is also a chip in button. Now friends of Vanya can donate funds toward his adoption through Reece's Rainbow (If you aren't familiar with this organization you should check them out!). Let's put a little money where our mouth is and make it even easier for his forever family to bring him home!!
The pastor at our church tells us he and his wife are always teaching their kids to "see a need, meet a need." In Vanya I see a great need. Together we can make a difference for this boy!
I'm, so excited to see what God will do through your generosity.
Never Lose Hope
8 years ago
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