I found this amazing article . I, personally, think this is a brilliant idea.
Go read it and come back here to share your thoughts.....
Never Lose Hope
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I found this amazing article . I, personally, think this is a brilliant idea.
Go read it and come back here to share your thoughts.....
Posted by beBOLDjen at 6:00 AM
Labels: HIV/AIDS Education, World Vision
We walked through one when it was in Minnesota. It was very informative and eye-opening.
Heather, I must have been living under a rock or something. Admittedly I'm not super involved with World Vision but this concept is mind blowingly simple yet seems to be so very powerful! We're always saying we wish people coul dsee what we've seen, experience it for themselves. What a great way to help people connect emotionally to the experiences of people so far away!
Isn't this amazing! It came to Los Angeles, but we were overseas. Would have loved to see it. SO important.
I agree. Really important. To bad you missed it. Hopefully they'll come back around your way again!
hi jen,
yes it is me.
anyway...can we get that here, what about at your church!that could be a good start to some things going on. Don't ya think??
There is a page where you can reserve dates for the exhibit to come.
I've already written to ask some leaders about the idea. :-)
Jen, at the Urbana '06 missions convention, Pete and I went through this exhibit. It was there that God started the journey of leading us to adopt from Ethiopia. We were heartbroken after this experience, and then for dinner that night we participated in World Vision's Broken Bread meal. Wow. Amazing object lesson that God continues to use in our lives.
Melissa I can't believe it's been around sice '06. Why don't more people know about this!?!?
I'm going to have to go to the World Vision site to lean about the Broken Bread meal.... since I haven't herd of that either. I feel so out of the loop.
You guys are such a special family!! Love you Juvinalls :-)
Jen, this is absolutely brillant!! I too have written to my paster and asking about sponsoring an event!
I'm going to have to check out Broken Bread now too... :-)
Love, love, love your blog!!!
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