I feel a personal duty to become as educated as I can become on all aspects of adoption. For Jonas, for Jonas' first mom, for our other children and extended family, for those around us who might consider adoption as a means of expanding their family, and for members of society around us who have not yet been touched by adoption.
I do not necessarily endorse or subscribe to the ideas represented in the following links but provide them for others who might be interested in exploring new perspectives.
Domestic Adoption
Concerned United Birthparents: http://www.cubirthparents.org/page9.html
Bastard Nation: http://www.bastards.org/documents/bb.html
American Adoption Congress: http://www.americanadoptioncongress.org/
Adult Adoptee Blogs
Twice The Rice (Transcultural Adoptee): http://twicetherice.wordpress.com/
Neither Here Nor There: http://peachneitherherenorthere.blogspot.com/
Harlow's Monkey (Adoptee and Adoption Professional): http://harlowmonkey.typepad.com/harlows_monkey/2007/11/relative-choice.html
Diversity Related:
Anti-Racist Parent Blog: http://www.antiracistparent.com/
Anybody have some websites or blogs with a perspective worth considering ? Leave a comment below.
Never Lose Hope
8 years ago
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