We were accepted into the Eternal Family Adoption Assistance Program. Family and friends are now able to make tax deductible donations toward our adoption expenses.
We have been approved to receive up to $5000.00 in funds which will go a LONG way in assisting us bring our boy home. You can check the progress of our fundraising goal by looking at the thermometer to the right in the sidebar.
If you would like to make a donation please copy and paste the following voucher and include it with your donation.
Thanks so much!
Jen for the Slonigers
Eternal Family Adoption Assistance Program
Name of Adopting Family you are requesting to support: Dustin and Jennifer Sloniger
Please record your name, or organization’s name, full address, phone number, and the
amount of your contribution in the box below. Be sure to include this form with your
check. Checks can be made payable to America World.
America World is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization; therefore, all donations
are considered tax-deductible contributions in the year they are given. The funds
donated are not refundable to the donor or to the family. The maximum amount of
donation money for a family’s adoption expense is determined by household income
(with a cap of $10,000). Any amount above this will be used to fund other families or
America World projects. In order to fully comply with the law, America World retains
discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. Contributions become part of
a fund used to assist families with their adoption expenses. While we cannot guarantee
that all funds donated by you will be made available to your designated family,
America World does work to honor the wishes of donors.
Name: ______________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
City, State, and Zip Code:________________________
Phone Number: ________________________________
Please indicate the Amount of Contribution:
○$ 10
○$20 ○$50 ○$100 ○$200
○$300 ○$400 ○$500 ○$750
○other $_______
Never Lose Hope
7 years ago
This is a wonderful idea Jen! I love the fact that we can see the status on your blog. Can't wait to see that line reach the top! I'll have to talk with Jeff and see what we can do :o)
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