This sermon was absolutely life changing for me. I'd never before heard of Russell Moore but I'm sure going to learn more.
Never Lose Hope
8 years ago
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This sermon was absolutely life changing for me. I'd never before heard of Russell Moore but I'm sure going to learn more.
Posted by beBOLDjen at 9:56 PM
Labels: Bible study
Jen, Dr Moore was our sunday school teacher when we lived in Louisville for seminary. He and his wife have 2 adopted sons from Russian & bio boys as well. He is an awesome pastor/teacher & a great adoption advocate!
Jaime- WOW. How wonderful to be able have him as your Sunday school teacher! I was so blessed by this message. I saw that he has a new book out about adoption. I plan to purchase it.
Praise the Lord. I pray that He makes use of everyone of us as His vessels to achieve His purpose for everyone of us. He is in control at all times and He never blink.
Grace and peace to all of you
m ma
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