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Monday, February 1, 2010


He starred in an impromptu photo shoot this morning. I can't get enough of his ham-tastic antics!

What? I'm just being cute and minding my own business.

I haven't done anything yet

Okay maybe I've gotten into a *little* trouble, but look how cute I am!

Again, have you noticed my cuteness?

I'm not sayin' I got away with it, but....

What am I gonna do with this kid? He's living up to his new nickname Dennis the Menace. He doesn't mean to get in trouble at all, but he's oh so curious and he loves to "help" in ways you'd never imagine. I can see already that life with boys, while rich and blessed, will also be full of destruction to personal property.
Oh well! How could I resist a face like this?!
I love this kid.


_ said...

I think parenting is all about GRACE. Think about how graceful God is to us when we don't mean to say that stupid comment or doubt or forget our prayer time, etc. We don't mean to be so much trouble it's just what kids do and he meets us with grace.

Anonymous said...

He is absolutely ADORABLE!