Have I ever told you that in our family we tend to have large teeth?
Never mentioned it you say.
Well, now you know.
The last time I took my daughters to the dentist they told me to start saving "immediately" for the future orthodontia they would need. Did we listen? No. We decided to adopt instead. (haha just kidding. It didn't really work that way)
In our family we refer to our large teeth as chicklets. Chicklets are a white candy coated gum that are small and rectangular in size. About the size of our gargantuan teeth. My sister and I have always lamented over having large teeth which required lots of dental work in our youth.
Yesterday I went to our new pediatric dentist with Miss Rienne. We are switching to this office after it was highly recommended by some friends. Dr. Kelly didn't disappoint. She was wonderful and Rienne LOVED the office. She can't wait to go back.
During the visit the doctor was wowed at how large Rienne's teeth were. Already she has lost 3 teeth and the two teeth she has gotten filled that space entirely. This means her other teeth have no room to erupt. This also means Rienne needs to have 3 teeth "wiggled" out (as they like to call it there) and once the permanent teeth erupt she will need to have spacers put in to reserve space for the remaining teeth that will need to come in as well. I am down for whatever it takes to give my girl a healthy smile. Also, the less painful and sooner it can happen for her the better as I was much older when I began to receive my dental work and it was NOT pleasant for me.
All this tooth action is going to hit our pocket book pretty hard and will amount to being a down payment of sorts for all the services the girls are going to need in the future. It's going to cost us $1300.00 this go round. (itemized for those of you freaking out: $300 for initial visit with x-rays, $550 for tooth removal x3 and $450 for spacer.) OUCH! We got rid of our dental insurance because we weren't happy with the level of care we were receiving and preferred to have the freedom to go to our dentist of choice. Of course, this expense and lack of dental insurance had to happen in the middle of trying to pay for the adoption.
The pediatric dentist told me large teeth are in style. I responded that I'd rather my kids be out of style and keep the money, thank you.
Needless to say I was a bit concerned about how we were gonna make this happen. This morning I was praying with the girls over it. Not thirty minutes later hubby called and told me he would have the money to completely pay for the dentist and then some with a job he's doing for someone.
I am going to be honest here. My temptation was to check the dental bills off the list and continue on stressing out over finances and the whole sense of impending doom that spreads over me every time I think of our next payment due for the adoption. All without ever taking a step back and really soaking in the reality that God heard our prayers instantaneously and sent provision right away. WOW. I am humbled and thankful for the change in perspective God gave me and that I didn't miss it all together in the midst of my needless worrying and lack of faith.
I want to make sure I thank Him for His good gifts. THANK YOU LORD! The truth is that steadily God has been providing us with gifts or with the opportunity to earn the funds we need for our third payment to AWAA and for our travel. We still have a way to go but after today how could I doubt that He will provide? It makes me sad to think that even still my faith can be so weak, that after all the miraculous things God has done for me that I would still worry. I pray that He would continue to change me. That I will rest in him fully and trust Him more.
Oh and by the way: We are now officially on the hunt for dental insurance that Dr. Kelly accepts! ;)
Never Lose Hope
8 years ago
I'm praying for you guys Jen! That is so awesome how God worked that out with the money. He never fails and I often have to remind myself of that, too! You're not alone my friend.
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