Too bad we couldn't look cuter for the picture below. We're a bit sick over here. I am the worst. I've been hacking all day. It's not pretty but this is the state we're in at the moment. Out of three pictures this was the best. I really didn't have any more energy to try to convince the kids that mommy's blog deserved a picture with them smiling and that this same pic would be used in brothers scrap book, "so sit still and love this, darn it!" so this is what I've got to work with people! ( I seriously cannot believe I posted a picture of myself sans makeup! Honestly, 5 years ago you would have had to kill me first. I guess I have grown in some ways and regressed in others. I can't decide which category this case would fall under.) BUT BACK TO THE POINT take a good look at this photo because those three stacks of papers consists of our original dossier and two complete copies which....
Never Lose Hope
8 years ago
Wooooohoooooo! I am beyond excited for you guys! A major hurdle over. ...and you still look beautiful :-)
Yea!!! I'm so happy for you guys! Congratulations!!
Tisha (awaa yg)
I think you look pretty darn good considering how sick you're feeling! So excited to hear the big news! I'm praying things will move at lightening speed from this point on!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! We are so happy for you. Well for the paper work done part. I hope you guys will feel better soon.
Congrats! I am so happy for you - you have moved to the next step!
Awesome, awesome, awesome! Congratulations - that is a huge hurdle to jump over. I am praying for God's intervention for a wonderful smooth adoption for you.
God bless you abundantly! Thank you for your comment on my blog! You are precious!
In Him,
oh you guys look beautiful, I love your links I am going to contac them for a mission triop to Ethiopia, amazing, well I need to talk to you guys so lets chat shall we? Blessings, Blessings, Blessings. May your paper work be accompanied by angels.
love kim
Thanks everyone for the blessings and prayers!
Kim, I thought of the little hiloday your dossier took in Paris so my mom and Dustin and I prayed over our paperwork before it left just to make sure it wouldn't do any sightseeing of it's own!!! So, I pray the Lord sees fit to spare us the anxiety you endured with yours!
ok the typo qween q/o her spell check rises again! I meant HOLIDAY!!!
hahaha look at me... I suppose it's time to head to bed if I can't even type a correction to a typo!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH
Ok off to bed for me!
Hi Jen,
Just thought I'd share this fun story with you. I've so enjoyed taking care of your girls in the children's ministry at church and today Rienne was talking my ear off about the fact that your dossier was sent off. Thankfully, I had just discovered your blog this week so I knew where she was coming from. In fact, she was quite convinced that the President himself was going to okay the paperwork. :-) She then told me all about Ethiopia while Rory eagerly confirmed everything. They were both jumping up and down. I just loved their enthusiasm and excitement. Your girls bless me so much every week. Know that I'm praying for your family daily.
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