Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Court in two days...
I've been doing SO WELL playing it cool. Until now. All of a sudden that restlessness I grew so familiar with while waiting for Jonas has overtaken me once again. The inescapable feeling of desperation to bring A* home has overwhelmed me today.
I think it has something to do with visiting with a friend of mine today and talking about A*s health issues. It's making me sick to be so far away, so helpless to help him.
If we pass May 27th I have pictures and video to show you. Seriously, I can't wait for you to see him!
Posted by beBOLDjen at 4:51 PM 5 comments
Labels: adoption, Ethiopia adoption, HIV/AIDS adoption
Monday, May 24, 2010
Destiny Food Direct
I just learned about this organization: http://www.destinyfoodsdirect.com/
It looks really cool.
I'm going to try an order. I'll let you know how it turns out.
Posted by beBOLDjen at 5:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: Destiny Food Direct
Friday, May 21, 2010
FUNdraiser Friday: Jolly Good Decals
Kelly from My Jolly Family has all kinds of fun decals. Head over and take a look.
*It's my goal to highlight a fundraising effort of a family who is adopting every Friday. There's always a parade of wonderful items. It's a fun way to shop from the comfort of your home AND help unite children with their forever families.
If you'd like to have your fundraiser featured email me with the details. Jen@the graftedtree.com
Posted by beBOLDjen at 5:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: FUNdraisers
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Our Little Guy
We received an update on A*. We knew he was small. Now we know just exactly how small he is.
A* weighs a feathery light 28 pounds. He stands in at 31.9 inches tall. At approximately 4 years of age A* is close in size to his brother Jonas at 26 months of age.
It's hard on a momma's heart to see words like wasting and stunted attached to her child. I really want my son home so we can work on getting him growing nice and strong.
Many children experience a quick turn around with proper medical treatment, nutrition, and love and affection from parents. It's termed the Lazarus Effect because of the dramatic improvement. Children who were on the brink begin to flourish.
It's our prayer A* will experience rapid growth upon coming home, too.
May 27th. That's our day in court. Please pray with us we pass and that the US embassy conducts a speedy investigation, issuing us an ambassy appointment quickly.
Posted by beBOLDjen at 12:10 PM 4 comments
Labels: Ethiopia adoption, HIV/AIDS adoption, special needs adoption, Transracial/Trans Cultural Adoption
Friday, May 14, 2010
FUNdraiser Friday: Glass Tile Pendants
It's hard to say no to cool jewelry, especially when it helps to bring an orphan home. Michelle is offering these glass tile pendant beauties over at her fundraising blog. Don't forget to drop by her Life a Bit Sweeter blog to say hello!
*It's my goal to highlight a fundraising effort of a family who is adopting every Friday. There's always a parade of wonderful items. It's a fun way to shop from the comfort of your home AND help unite children with their forever families.
If you'd like to have your fundraiser featured email me with the details. Jen@the graftedtree.com
Posted by beBOLDjen at 6:00 AM 3 comments
Labels: FUNdraisers
Friday, May 7, 2010
FUNdraiser Friday: White Family
I really like the journal. What a great place to write prayers for special kiddos in need of a home.

*It's my goal to highlight a fundraising effort of a family who is adopting every Friday. There's always a parade of wonderful items. It's a fun way to shop from the comfort of your home AND help unite children with their forever families.
If you'd like to have your fundraiser featured email me with the details. Jen@the graftedtree.com
Posted by beBOLDjen at 6:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: FUNdraisers
Monday, May 3, 2010
MAY 27th!
That's the day our case will go before a judge in Ethiopia. Please join us in praying for a favorable outcome the first try.
Jonas has been asking lately about A*. He keeps saying, "A* coming home?" I keep reassuring him, "Soon, baby. Brother will be here soon." He even points to A*'s bed and says his name over and over again. I can't wait for the brothers to meet each other!
Heck, I can't wait for all of us to meet.
Posted by beBOLDjen at 1:25 PM 7 comments
Labels: Ethiopia adoption, HIV/AIDS adoption, special needs adoption
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Some AWAA friends of ours had their home destroyed by a tornado WHILE THEY WERE IN IT. You can read about the ordeal right here.
They are in need right now. They have insurance, but not great insurance. They have a lot to clean up and the insurance won't cover the debris removal. Their home will be rebuilt but the contents still need to be replaced.
If you can give please DO!
Go to Paypal and send any amount to vandruff.family@gmail.com
Posted by beBOLDjen at 9:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: blogs, life in general
Cayolyn Twietmeyer and Project Hopeful do a LOT to help others. This time she and her family need a little assistance of their own.
The Twietmeyers brought home Selah in summer 2008 and are finally able to bring her brother and sister home. They are traveling THIS FRIDAY May 7!! There have been many unexpected last minute travel expenses for these long awaited and beloved children. Some friends bought an Ipod Touch to raffle off. They need around $4000. Please consider a donation in any amount to the Twietmeyer adoption fund for the sole purpose of bringing home Andarge and Eyerusalem. Go to Cayolyns blog to donate!
Please help spread the word by reposting on your blog and Facebook.
Posted by beBOLDjen at 8:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: FUNdraisers, life in general, Project Hopeful